Once you’ve installed your digital signage or outdoor signage, you need to invest time and effort into keeping it well-maintained. Your signage can only work hard for you if you keep it looking attractive and in proper working order. Today, we’re diving into the basics of proper signage maintenance.

Signs Your Sign Needs Maintenance

You should always proactively maintain your signs, but there are several things you can spot that are sure signs you need to repair, replace or maintain as quickly as possible. What should you look for?

  • Malfunctions or glitches over the course of daily operation. This is a big sign that something is wrong with digital signage, and it should be taken seriously before the problems get even bigger.
  • Have you updated the software for your digital signs? Even if you only installed your sign a year ago, there’s a good chance that you are due for a software update.
  • Outdated content: When was the last time you changed the messages on your sign? Sometimes, maintenance includes updating what your sign says, not just repairing problems with the structure.
  • Broken portions of the sign. These mean that it’s time to take care of repairs, as the casing for any electronic components of your sign is vital to protecting the interior.

Start With Basic Housekeeping

If you have an electronic message center or digital sign, you should start by wiping things down. Keep the screen clean using a cleaner designed to be used on the surface. If you aren’t sure what the right cleaner or cleaning method is, don’t hesitate to ask the professionals at East West Sign Group.

Keep Your Hardware and Software in Great Shape

Damage to hardware can cause problems with your sign. Depending on how the sign is mounted, a simple issue like gravity could be doing a great deal of harm. In terms of software, remember that your signs need regular updates just like your computers do. Make sure that everything behind the scenes is up-to-date.

Update Your Content

Without fresh content, your signage will be stale. A key part of maintaining your signage is switching up the messaging so that it advertises what you’re up to, any upcoming events and the latest products.

Sign Maintenance from East West Sign Group

Designing and installing the right business signage can be hard without an experienced partner. East West Sign Group knows all about sign design and installation, and we have worked with countless businesses to boost business with great signage. To learn more about how we can design the right sign for you, contact us today!